Chatting with Joe Grossberg today I mentioned that I really don’t understand why so many people read Scripting News. I tried reading it many times, and it always bored me to death. Joe gave me a perfectly good analogy:
it’s like trying to figure out why German people listen to David Hasselhoff
Also, I came upon a nice quote in Mike Meginnis’ interview with Jeffrey Rowland:
You mentioned viral marketing, and thatâ€s something interesting about the ‘net. It really promotes artists who are skilled at making things that people will basically shout at each other over AIM.
Now I think I understand why my own blog is not particularly popular :) Also, I could not help, but remember a Futurama episode:
“Farnsworth: Look, it started out as a calculated plot to rummage through your underwear. But once I got in there, I found more — much more. And now I want to shout our love from the rooftops. Perhaps I’ll breed some sort of albino shouting gorilla.”